Video/Autumn Equinox 2024

Greetings on this autumn equinox! Let us lean into the balance Equal light, equal dark energize Peace in your very cells. Nature is signaling us to pause and feel The shifting into harvest with a quiet ease. The fruits of your labor now manifest. As you pick the red tomato, orange pumpkin, yellow corn, You […]

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Miriam = Reiki Master Teacher

3 REIKI MASTERS ON ENERGY AND SOUND HEALING Save the date: JULY 25, Thursday, 10-11:30 am, Twin Maples, a national historic site in Summit, NJ. A masterclass c/o B.I.G. Register with This gathering will be informational and experiential. You’ll learn about Reiki and Sound Healing, their beneficial results, and also feel their effects on

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Summer Solstice Video

Hello and welcome to the summer solstice! This moment is very auspicious since we have the longest day of the year on the 20th which is then followed by the full moon the next day! Light, light and more light is shining on us now! It is time for the darkness to dissipate as you

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Earth Month in a Leap Year

Happy Earth Month! Each year, as April rolls around, we celebrate it. But now we realize more and more how our Earth is so precious and sadly, under extreme pressure! You can see the effects. Some global events which have recently occurred are volcanic eruptions in Iceland, flooding in Dubai, and earthquakes in New Jersey!

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Miriam smiling woman standing near a tree showing a bough of cherry blossoms

Welcome Spring

The vernal equinox has just occurred: Equal light and darkness, equal night and day. It is a perfect opening for you to ground in your balance as I help you unearth your spirit and release its wisdoms in this very moment we are sharing. I honor and bless you! Using Reiki Master symbols and other

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Miriam Belov and George Nakashima in 1988


Happy 2024! Welcome this new year with optimism and courage. It is filled with powerful possibility. You just need to be clear with what you want to manifest. It is still time to list your intentions for the coming months. So make your list and check it twice, a list of your presents to yourself.

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Glimmering Gratitudes

The holiday season is upon us. Beginning with Thanksgiving and then all the following festivities, you are busy with the many preparations.  Planning fun gatherings for family and friends, considering which traditional rituals to continue, and decorating your home with creative seasonal touches may be at the top of your list. You can just smell

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A Pink Treat

Autumn has arrived.  Falling leaves, pumpkins, cooler weather. Plans for Halloween and fun costumes to parade around in. The air has a smell of cinnamon spice.  Red and orange trees are appearing as we await peak foliage. Then suddenly this autumn reverie was shattered by the barbaric terrorist attack in southern Israel at the beginning

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Video: Autumn Balancing

This video meditation was filmed on September 23 to channel the energies of the autumn equinox to you.  It was done just on this moment of equal day and night. The torrential rain here in the northeast of America seemed to cleanse both your inner light and darkness. (It felt that for me personally.) You

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black and white family photo circa 1952

You and Mother Kate

This picture was taken in 1952 with my father, Mama, my mother, and me. She of blessed memory Kate Klein passed 10 years ago this week. I had promised her that she would be in her bed in her home when this happened. Gratefully I was able to keep my word. Mother Kate had a

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You, Cleo and Mat

Celebrating my grandniece’s birth with joy and wonder. In this picture, my daughter is holding Cleo as her mother glows. Privileged to witness my brother’s daughter become a mother. Rachel and her husband, John, were ecstatic to announce Rachel’s pregnancy.  As her belly grew, she shone, and all of us were inspired by her light.

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Keep Calm and Spring Forward

How wonderful to be in May with its abundance of orange, yellow, and pink blossoms. Suddenly the trees are filled with a profusion of green leaves. Nature is making her grand entrance and I am welcoming her with open arms! How about you?  How do you do? Are you able to fully embrace this month?!

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Spring Equinox Video

The Spring equinox signals another beautifully balanced time of night and day, dark and light. Then from the 20th on, you move into more and more light/more and more changes, endings and beginnings. It’s time for clearing and cleansing in a huge way. And this light is shining on what truly needs to be done!

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baby Miriam smiling

Deep Love

Here I am smiling at you. That pure love and joy we can express as a baby. There’s no filter between how we are feeling and expressing that emotion. I like to think that there are moments when I am like that now, even 76 years later. So spontaneous and in touch with my inner

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Winter Solstice 2022

Today we celebrate the Winter Solstice.  It is December 21st. This day heralds in nature’s darkest time and gives us each an opportunity to shine our deepest light. How very fortunate you are as you settle into reflection and then, also the joy of the season.  It is ok to slow down and experience being

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Gratitude and its Gifts

As you approach the holiday season of 2022, sincerely celebrate the 1st one: Thanksgiving. You have come through two very challenging years and are now at the harvest – being resilient and fruitful. Give thanks! Gratitude is when you honor those people, experiences, or other emotions that are precious to you.  It is the two-way

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Enhance The Quality of Life

Greetings. This autumn I am giving you a revitalizing gift: the SAIEN network and a series of courses and experiences that begin on October 22, 2022, and go through January 27, 2023. You still have time to register and take advantage of this opportunity to help yourself cope with any anxiety, fear, or disease in

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Giving Back

In the magic of the north country with my friend Meera Gandhi. We were out for dinner next to a cornfield and cows. It was divine. These two concepts together, magic and divinity, are like the quantum physics of Einstein and his spiritual perceptions which merge in our reality. You may have noticed time is

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Stonehenge at sunrise

Summer Solstice 2022

Greetings, I am so excited to share this with you! We are finally in Summer 2022! The longest day of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere is happening on the 21st.  The above picture is of Stonehedge in England during the sunrise on this auspicious day. Sharing a video meditation for the solstices and

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green garden at dusk as cover for Embracing Earth audio recording

There’s Still A Chance!

The war in Ukraine horrifies us with unleashed brutality. Politics often borders on the macabre.  Covid continues to mutate and kill. In the midst of these negative events, Earth Day approaches with its ray of optimism.  But, lest we forget, the climate crisis is the overriding issue. If it continues unabated, then the earth –

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Valentine’s Day w/Self-Love

February is the month of love.  The 14th is Valentine’s Day with red hearts everywhere and the time to celebrate this very powerful emotion.  Traditionally it is a holiday to acknowledge love for another person.  I am expanding the concept to include love for yourself.  This is from where all other love can sincerely grow.

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Gratitude For Your Harp of Life

Gratitude is a powerful emotion and luckily, here you are in the midst of its energy in mid-November.  It is a very high and most precious vibration, one that can even lead to transformation. Take full advantage of it.  Each and every day. Gratitude makes you feel good, hopeful and connected to others. Allow yourself

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You and Glasgow

Greetings, Do you know where Glasgow is?  It’s in Scotland.  Do you know why I mention it in the title?  It’s where the UN Climate Change Conference will be held starting soon at the end of the month and continuing into November.  Above is Glasgow’s Pollock Park, voted the best park in Europe 2008. What

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Climate Crisis

You know that the climate is now in crisis. You might have even personally experienced it.  The extreme heat on both coasts of America, wildfires in California, Siberia, Greece, and Turkey, and flash floods in Europe and China all attest to it. I hope that the above picture of the waterfall with bougainvillea is pleasing

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