Video: Winter Solstice 2021 Meditation

Happy Winter Solstice and the energy surrounding it! The longest night of the year gives you the opportunity to be with nature’s rhythm to ground yourself and trust the guidance that comes through to you. As a Reiki Master I have placed vibrational attunements into this video meditation so that it may be of the greatest good for you.

With the solstice, we pivot towards winter: a time of rest, of deep contemplation, compassionate self-care and quiet aspiration. Allowing your darkness to be synthesized with your light will bring forth a more authentic you.

Now is the time to release that which no longer serves you to make room for that which will be positive for your best self. Setting intention for the new year, you will focus on your own prayer for this time.

As Anne Frank said, “Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.” Allow your inner candle to shine brightly. Onward w/your light!

Please allow me to share a healing prayer for you.

“We are now especially blessed for
This special season is here.

Remember as when you were a child:
The joy of the holidays,
The lights which shone,
The miracle of the light’s birth
Deep in the winter’s darkness.

Breathe in its radiance and grace.
Breathe out your limitations and worries.

Allow the miracle to take place in you.

Allow your light to shine throughout your body and soul
To rejuvenate and invigorate you:
To guide you in your own rededication of
Your own physical and spiritual being,
To wholeness and health.

Feel the Divine’s wings surround you
In Her protection.
Be as a child of the Great Mother,
Nestle in Her warmth and safety.

Know you are loved by Her.
Know you are Love.

Concentrate behind your heart space.
Feel your Spirit glow.
Allow your Light to flow.

Your body is the garment for your soul, for this Infinite Light.
Be the beautiful, healthy and whole vessel you are.

As above
So below!

Feel the radiance of your inner star
Spreading light, peace and balance
To illumine your being.

Bless yourself.”

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