Happy Summer Video

Happy Summer!

It’s finally here after a tumultuous and difficult winter. Rejoice. The following video meditation is in celebration of the Summer Solstice – the longest day of the year.  It will help you move consciously into this joyful season of welcoming nature.

Restaurants are opening up and you are finally able to see friends, face to face.  It is a strangely familiar feeling to be able to gather with others, though you still need to use some discretion.  But socializing again with no distancing can be overwhelming.

Do you feel like this?!  It has been hard for some of us to venture out of our safe spaces where we hibernated over the past months. It can be daunting to take those first steps out into crowds.

However, it is time to bathe in the sunlight and let your fears melt away.

It is also a perfect time to listen to “Embracing Earth”. It will enable you to transition easily into this summer after the challenging year of the COVID-19 plague which shook your life and took the lives of so many millions. “Embracing Earth” is a 20-minute audio meditation with music.

You revitalize yourself and our planet while intimately feeling your own connection with Nature. Be compassionate with yourself and give yourself some self-love. You will be guided to be in touch with your empowered intuition.

With optimistic gratitude, you will move into a deeper connection to your true self – as an evolutionary being in the midst of a planetary change that is reverberating globally and personally. “Embracing Earth” will let you go forward with confidence and healing.

This conjuncture of the Summer Solstice and your own inner growth is the moment to do self-care and reflect on your shadow.

  • You need to harmonize the parts of your being which you often avoid or neglect. This is the time to do it, to bring out the darkness that you fear in yourself and embrace it.
  • With the sun’s light at its peak, you can safely explore your shadow! Illuminate the dark corners of your psyche.

Remember, the more authentic, integrated, and real you become, the clearer your future path will manifest.

  • Yes, your fate can be your destiny if you so choose it.

Standing in a synthesis of all the parts of your being, you are now authentic and true. And there is nothing more powerful than that!

  • Identify an intention you wish to manifest, ie: clarity about your future path, how you may become more receptive to abundance in all its forms, or any other burning issue you may have now.

Write down your intention 20 times each day for the next week using paper and pen. This connection triggers your subconscious to embody it.









  • Take advantage of the long days of summer to explore new activities outside. Luxuriate in ecotherapy. Breathe out your distraction. Breathe in the fertility of the earth.
  • Journal how you are feeling now. Compare this to ½ year ago. Let go of people and situations that no longer help you. Make room for the new.
  • Take action with your desires and intentions. Feel safe with implementing those you want to do as they are positive outgrowths of over a year of reflection and aspiration.
  • Smell the roses.

The universe has your back in a full glory of illuminating strength. Go forward with a song in your heart and a lightness in your step.

Trust yourself as you progress on your own sunlit path.

To Your Exquisite Brilliance.

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