You Are A Child Of Light

Happy Holidays

It is the special time of the year when as the sunlight lessens, we go within to the find the inner light. 

The winter solstice is nature’s clear message. In the midst of the darkness, the light returns.  The western wisdom traditions celebrate this symbolism. They allow us to experience  illumination with miracles of redemption, rededication and birth. 

Allow yourself to truly feel the season’s energy and be reborn with ever more brilliance.

cooper-lake-featureGifts of the spirit abound: from walks in the winter woods around calm waters to feasting with loved ones to quiet moments of inner joy.

I share with you a poem that I cherish and is so appropriate now. 

Here I am, the poetess, as a young child.

Find a picture of your childhood self and connect with it as you read this. Keep your picture in view through the new year to rejuvenate yourself as you reflect on these words.

Remember as when you were a child
MIriamyoungThe joy of family,
The peace you felt surrounded by those
You loved.
Breathe in this grace’s radiance.
Breathe out your limitations and worries.
Allow the light to shine throughout your body and soul
To rejuvenate and invigorate you.
Feel the Divine surround you
In Her protection.
Be as a child of the Great Mother.
Nestle in Her warmth and safety.
Know you are loved by Her.
Know you are Love.
Concentrate behind your heart space.
Feel the radiance of your Spirit
Spreading peace and balance
To illumine your being.
Your body is the garment for your soul, for the Infinite Light.
Be the beautiful, healthy and whole vessel you are.
As above
So below!
We ask for the courage and strength
To make our life a blessing.
As we feel peace in our body and spirit,
Allow us to bring peace to our world.
dove-in-stone-2Sink into the roots as wings of the angels
Move us gently along our paths
So we each may make
Our earthly life the life divine.
Bless yourself.
Be peace.

Peace On Earth/Peace In Your Spirit

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