Light + Dark= A Rebirth

Happy Winter Solstice and New Year

As we approach the shortest day and the longest night,
Please remember that in the midst of the darkness the light glows brightly.
Mother Nature’s rhythm allows us to connect deeply with our own inner illumination.

When we add light and dark, a new rebirth occurs that can truly express our aspiration.
May you have peace during this time of the year.


Below is my free gift to help you do this.
Click on image or here

If you need an instantaneous gift for someone special – or yourself, you can access the following download and/or healing session.

relaxation. download

You can easily download my 30 minute video on relaxation.  Click on image or here     

Reiki You can also easily give an energy healing session

Pathways to Vibrant Health and Well-being Women Living Consciously

Other gifts include the 2 bestselling anthologies to which I contributed.
 Click on individual images or here

Here is a My Free Gift for You Right Now:

Some Tips on How to
Relax and Enjoy Your Holidays

1. Making A List/Checking It Twice
IMG_2946Plan Ahead.  Do only those things which are meaningful for you. Acknowledge the time you will need for each project.
2. Keeping It Easy
Clarify so that your activities support your values.
Focus on 1 task at a time.  Do it well and then go onto the next.
3. Spreading the Light
Share activities.  Delegate various projects. It’s more fun this way.
Buy gifts that include you and your friend.

4. Gifting Yourself
IMG_7468Stay centered by doing a meditation technique each day.
Allow the spirit of the holiday to truly resonate through you.
5. Creating A Ritual
Connect in your unique way bringing in beauty and grace.  Use fragrance and color.
Express your love and appreciation through a special experience or prayer.
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