A Happy Green 2014

As you reflect on the year past, here is a simple ritual you can do to prepare for the new year: a happy green 2014.    

Make a list of that which you wish to let go.  These may be negative thoughts, habits, traits, experiences, people.  Whatever.

Then burn this list with all the intention of your heart to truly resolve, dissipate and release these situations.

After this action, allow the emotions of relief and compassion to encompass you.

Make a list of that which you wish to bring in.  These may be positive thoughts, habits, traits, experiences, people.  Whatever.

Then put this list in a sacred place with all the intention of your heart to truly bring in, manifest and create these situations.

After this action, allow the emotions of certitude and grace to encompass you. 

aurivilleDedicate, rededicate, yourself to these new goals and aspirations.

Feel the reverence of your sincerity shining golden to encompass you.

I conclude this with a favorite poem I wrote a long time ago.

May it warm your heart: your 4th chakra which is the color of green…


Remember as when you were a child

The joy of family,

The peace you felt surrounded by those     

You loved.                                                                                                

gardenBreathe in this grace’s radiance.

Breathe out your limitations and worries.


Allow the light to shine throughout your body and soul

To rejuvenate and invigorate you.

Feel the Divine surround you

In Her protection.

Be as a child of the Great Mother.

Nestle in Her warmth and safety.

Know you are loved by Her.

Know you are Love.

Concentrate behind your heart space.

Feel the radiance of your Spirit

Spreading peace and balance

To illumine your being.

Your body is the garment for your soul, for the Infinite Light.

Be the beautiful, healthy and whole vessel you are.

As above

dancing ceremonySo below!


We ask for the courage and strength

To make our life a blessing.

As we feel peace in our body and spirit,

Allow us to bring peace to our world.

solticeimagetopSink into the roots as wings of the angels     

Move us gently along our paths

So we each may make

Our earthly life the life divine.

Bless yourself.

Be peace.

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